Thursday, January 6, 2011

Training Your Pet Bird

Some birds can be trained to do tricks and even to talk. A well-trained bird repeats words, throws a ball into a cup, and bows its head when you clap. You can use books, Web sites, and magazines to find out how to train your bird. Remember, the most important rule is always to be gentle and patient with your bird.

Although birds are usually very healthy, sometimes they can get sick. For example, if a bird is sneezing and keeping its feathers ruffled, it may have a cold. If it is scratching itself, it may have mites. If your bird is acting different from the way it usually acts, talk to a veterinarian. Every year, usually in the summer, birds molt. This means that they shed their old feathers and grow new ones.
Parrot Training: A Guide to Taming and Gentling Your Avian Companion (Pets)If your bird is molting, you do not need to worry or take it to the vet. If you keep your pet bird clean, warm, and well fed; talk to it and play with it every day; and take it to the vet if it becomes sick, you will have a healthy happy pet for a very long time!

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